Tips for Ages 6-12 Months
Tips for brushing, baby bottle tooth decay and going to the dentist.

Easy Ways to Kick Start Your Child's Oral Health Routine
Did you know that oral health – the health of your teeth and gums – has a major impact on your overall health? It’s true! So if you want to help your child stay healthy, start with their smile. By teaching them to take better care of their mouth, you’re also taking better care of their body. Here are some simple tips that can make a big difference.

Making the Dentist Less Scary for Your Kids
Going to the dentist can be a real fear for children. Even though it’s common for kids to be afraid, there are ways to make them feel better.

Tips for ages 2-6 years
Good eating habits, early warning signs of tooth decay and going to the dentist.

Five Ways to Actually Make Brushing their Teeth Exciting
When it’s toothbrushing time at your house, it’s easy to feel like the odds are stacked against you. Some kids do everything they can to avoid it. Some kids brush incorrectly. And others just aren’t feelin’ it. The good news is that there are many ways to make brushing painless, effective, and 100% kid-friendly.

Snack Tips
Eating a lot of snacks that have sugar may give your child cavities.