Medicaid and Marketplace: The Dual-Market Approach
Medicaid and Marketplace plan participation is increasing because it leverages the strengths of both programs to benefit consumers and insurers alike.

Social Drivers of Oral Health: Economic Stability
Income, a social determinant of oral health, puts dental care out of reach and damages oral health when it is too low.

Addressing Health Disparities of the Underserved
Health Equity Heroes provide vulnerable groups with access to oral health care and much more.

Windward: A Better Way to Process Dental Claims
Windward is fully automated and can auto-adjudicate a claim in less than a second, in addition to processing thousands of workflows, edits and clinical decision processes to meet client needs.

Three Keys to Medicare Advantage Dental Compliance
Your Medicare Advantage plan's integrity and health depend on regulatory compliance and robust fraud, waste and abuse strategies.

DentaQuest Earns Two NCQA Accreditations
NCQA certified DentaQuest for utilization management and credentialing, using voluntary assessments governed by the industry’s “strictest quality standards”

New DentaQuest Contract Continues Virginia Medicaid Oral Care
Contract renewal continues DentaQuest’s longstanding partnership with Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services to improve oral health outcomes statewide for children and adults

Working to Increase Dental-Care Access in Virginia
DentaQuest’s recent partnership with the Virginia Health Care Foundation incentivizes dental clinicians to join safety net dental practices across the state

Boost Medicare Advantage Satisfaction with Dental Excellence
Use personalization and connection to differentiate your health plan among Medicare Advantage members

Medicare Advantage Dental Done Better by DentaQuest
Increase your plan’s value, differentiation and impact with DentaQuest’s dental and vision solutions.

Digital Engagement Boosts Member Utilization, Satisfaction
HIPAA-compliant, third-party texts increase dental member utilization by 13%

Executive Spotlight: Cheryl Polmatier
Gain insight on work/balance, relationship-building, and accountability from Cheryl Polmatier, AVP at DentaQuest and advisory board member of Women in DSO.