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Update Your Contact Information
To learn more about how you can update your information, choose your state below.
State Medicaid Agency Name: AHCCCS (Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System)
Phone number(s): 855-HEA-PLUS (855-432-7587), Monday - Friday 7a - 6p ET
Portal Login: healthearizonaplus.gov/Login
Website/Resources: azahcccs.gov
Plan Name: Health First Colorado
Phone number(s): Toll Free: 800-221-3943 State Relay: 711, Monday - Friday 8a - 4:30p ET
Portal Login: peak--coloradopeak.force.com
Website/Resources: hcpf.colorado.gov/our-members
Plan Name: AHCA (Florida Agency for Health Care Administration)
Phone number(s): 888-419-3456 / 800-955-8771
Portal Login: members.flmedicaidmanagedcare.com/login
Website/Resources: ahca.myflorida.com/medicaid/recipient-resources
Plan Name: FHK (Florida Healthy Kids)
Phone number(s): 888-540-KIDS (5437) TTY 800-955-8771
Portal Login: healthykids.org/account/
Website/Resources: healthykids.org/
Plan Name: Georgia Medicaid
Phone number(s): 877-423-4746
Portal Login: gateway.ga.gov
Website/Resources: staycovered.ga.gov/
Plan Name: Illinois Medicaid Plan
Phone number(s): 800-843-6154
Portal Login: abe.illinois.gov/abe/access
Website/Resources: abe.illinois.gov/abe/access
Plan Name: FSSA (Indiana Family & Social Services Administration)
Phone number(s): 800-457-4584
Portal Login: in.gov/medicaid/members
Website/Resources: in.gov/medicaid/members/member-resources
Plan Name: Kentucky Department for Medicaid Services (DMS)
Phone number(s): 855-306-8959
Portal Login: chfs.ky.gov
Website/Resources: khbe.ky.gov
Plan Name: Healthy Louisiana
Phone number(s): 2-1-1 or 855-229-6849
Portal Login: sspweb.lameds.ldh.la.gov/selfservice
Website/Resources: ldh.la.gov
Plan Name: MassHealth
Phone number(s): 2-1-1 or 800-841-2900
Portal Login: mass.gov/how-to/renew-your-masshealth-coverage
Website/Resources: mass.gov/masshealth-eligibility-redeterminations
Plan Name: Michigan Medicaid Program
Phone number(s): 800-642-3195
Portal Login: michigan.gov/MIBridges
Website/Resources: michigan.gov/mdhhs/end-phe/medicaid-benefit-changes
Plan Name: MO Healthnet
Phone number(s): 855-373-9994
Portal Login: mydssapp.mo.gov/CitizenPortal/application.do
Website/Resources: mydss.mo.gov/renew
Plan Name: New Mexico Medicaid
Phone number(s): 800-283-4465 Monday - Friday from 7 a - 5 p MT
Portal Login: yes.state.nm.us/yesnm/home/index
Website/Resources: renew.hsd.nm.gov/partners/
Plan Name: New York State Medicaid, Child Health Plus or the Essential Plan
Phone number(s): 2-1-1 or 800-505-5678
Portal Login: mybenefits.ny.gov/mybenefits/begin
Website/Resources: info.nystateofhealth.ny.gov/COVID-19-Changes
Plan Name: Ohio Department of Medicaid
Phone number(s): 800-324-8680, Monday - Friday 8 a to 4 p ET
Portal Login: medicaid.ohio.gov/home/update-contact-info/update-contact-info
Website/Resources: medicaid.ohio.gov/stakeholders-and-partners/covidunwinding/covidunwinding
Plan Name: South Carolina Healthy Connections Medicaid
Phone number(s): (888) 549-0820, 8a.- 6p.m. M -F
Portal Login: https://apply.scdhhs.gov/CitizenPortal/login
Website/Resources: https://msp.scdhhs.gov/annualreviews/
Plan Name: TennCare
Phone number(s): 855-259-0701
Portal Login: tenncareconnect.tn.gov/
Website/Resources: tn.gov/tenncare/members-applicants/member-applicant.html
Plan Name: HHSC (Texas Health and Human Services)
Phone number(s): 2-1-1 or 877-541-7905 toll-free and select Option 2
Portal Login: yourtexasbenefits.com/Learn/Home#login
Website/Resources: hhs.texas.gov/services/health/coronavirus-covid-19/coronavirus-covid-19-information-people-receiving-services/end-continuous-medicaid-coverage
Plan Name: Cover Virginia
Phone number(s): 1-833-5CALLVA (TDD: 1-888-221-1590)
Portal Login: commonhelp.virginia.gov/
Website/Resources: dmas.virginia.gov/for-members/covid-19-return-to-normal-enrollment/
Plan Name: BadgerCare/Medicaid
Phone number(s): 2-1-1 or 877-947-2211
Portal Login: access.wisconsin.gov/access/
Website/Resources: dhs.wisconsin.gov/covid-19/forwardhealth.htm
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