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Earn Your Reward

Thank you for taking our opioid risk assessment survey. Your risk assessment is shown below. Now that you’ve taken the survey, please watch these videos and complete the form at the bottom of this page to receive your $10 Amazon gift card.


If you answered NO to all the questions, you are at a low to medium risk for pain medicine misuse. Over-the-counter pain medicine such as ibuprofen (Advil®) and acetaminophen (Tylenol®) are best for tooth pain. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about which would be best for you.


If you answered YES to any questions, you are at higher risk for pain medicine misuse. Ask your dentist for other options for dental pain.

Speak with your dentist

Anyone who takes an opioid medicine can start to have an abuse problem. No opioid medicine is the best option. Here are steps to help find the best medicine for your dental pain.

  • Talk to your dentist about your pain level.
  • Ask your dentist if you can take over-the-counter medicine for pain (ex. Advil, Tylenol, or Motrin).
  • Ask your dentist how to help your tooth pain get better. Make sure you understand all instructions.

Earn Your Reward

What service did you receive at your dental appointment?

I had a tooth removed and took the online pain medication safety course! (Ages 21 and older)*

If you had a tooth extracted by an out of network provider, you will need to mail your application along with a copy of your dental claim.

Member Information

Your DentaQuest Member ID number is the 9- or 10-digit number on the front of your card

Dentist Information

Preventistry Pulse


A newsletter with tips and information to improve your oral health.